About Us

Experience. Count on it.

Founded by B2B technology media veteran Henry Allain, the FunnelSide team consists of seasoned demand-gen/lead-gen experts, content producers, designers, and data and lead partners. Collectively, we have delivered on thousands of lead-generation campaigns, designed numerous white paper assets, and created thousands of pages of custom technology content. Allain and the FunnelSide team have decades of experience in demand generation, media, marketing services and custom publishing. Our subject matter experts are industry-leading, authoritative voices in your market. Prior to FunnelSide, we've launched technology publications such as Redmond, Redmond Channel Partner, Redmond Developer News, and Virtualization & Cloud Review, and have produced leading-industry events like Visual Studio Live! and Live! 360. We've managed large custom publishing projects such as MSDN Magazine and TechNet Magazine for Microsoft, and exceeded their customer satisfaction requirements by a large margin.

When you kick off an engagement with FunnelSide, our No. 1 priority is your full satisfaction. We will achieve or surpass your campaign success metrics, give you undivided attention, and ensure your experience working with us is nothing but exceptional. We want to be your marketing partner, your highest ROI performer and your trusted marketing resource.

Let’s work together.

View Henry Allain's LinkedIn profile

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